Mitochondria & the MitoPaw feeding model

What are Mitochondria? I’m very excited to really break down my fresh feeding model and explain why I feel like it’s the absolute best to optimize cellular function. But to understand why I created this model, let’s first learn about mitochondria! Mitochondria are present throughout the body; they’re particularly prevalent in the skeletal muscles, heart, […]

Nutrition Basics- Fresh Feeding Models

What is a model? By basic definition: a model is a representation, structure, or description that one follows or repeats. In terms of a raw feeding model, it’s a breakdown of ingredients meant to represent the ideal ratios for a fresh food diet. There are many ways to feed fresh food, and using these models

Nutrition Basics – Organ Extravaganza!

Organs are incredibly nutrient dense and are an integral part of a fresh food diet. Aside from some very specific exceptions, no fresh food diet for cats or dogs should be without organs. They provide a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in a very small package, which is great- you never want to have

Nutrition Basics- All About Bones

Should you give your dog a bone? The short answer is yes, probably. The long answer is still yes, but with a bit more detail. Lets start with a short story. The photo above is my dog Copper, and as you can see, he has excellent teeth. They’re white! They’re straight! They’re healthy! My opinion

Oils and Omegas- the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

What are Omegas? The best place to start this conversation is with an explanation and comparison of Omegas. Specifically, I’m talking about Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, or PUFAs. These PUFAs can be broken down largely into Omega 3’s, Omega 6’s and Omega 9’s. However, because we’re able to synthesize Omega 9’s in the body, these don’t

Nutrition Basics- How Much Do I Feed?

Struggling to figure out how much food to feed your dog can be stressful. There is a method to the madness, and this article will take you through each step to make it simple.

Approaching Hypothyroidism Naturally

Taking a natural approach to hypothyroidism isn’t impossible. If you can understand the physiology, the basic labs, and some natural methods to optimize thyroid function you’re more than halfway there!

Harvest Hazards & How To Avoid Them

Food For Thought? I don’t know about you, but when Thanksgiving week comes around food is at the forefront of my thoughts. I love potatoes, corn, ham, pie, bread, yams, bread, cranberries, gravy, stuffing (which is bread) and also, BREAD! I’m ambivalent about turkey but I’ll snag a wing if it’s available. When it comes

Howl-o-ween Pitfalls For Your Pets

Is it really that dangerous? Potentially! Halloween is usually considered a fun holiday to dress up, show up on strangers’ porches and trust them to give you food that you then go home and gorge on until you feel like you’ll explode…. super fun, right? But in all seriousness, we really do treat Halloween like

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